
Showing posts from January, 2016

Garnet birthstone for January

Garnet is the gemstone for January birthdays  Garnet with its deep burgundy red is a glamorous gemstone and suits all ages. Find a selection of Garnet Bracelets, Pendants and Earrings at  Garnet Jewellery  Would love to hear what you think in the comments below. To keep updated enter your email in the box below to subscribe to the monthly newsletter - you can unsubscribe anytime. Thanks for keeping in touch. More Handmade Jewellery from Silver Wire Designs in  the UK can be found here  2006-2022 © | All rights reserved Semina Lewis

Why is healing Jewellery so popular now? and What is chakra jewellery?

Healing Jewellery why is it so popular now? Chakra Gemstone Jewellery For centuries people in the East have 'felt' the vibrations of rocks and stones and in recent years there has been an ever increasing movement towards alternative treatments in the West with methods such as Reiki healing, reflexology, and now Crystal healing becoming a regular alternative choice.  The Chakras have been mentioned in yoga for centuries and the West is now taking this system more seriously. Each chakra is represented by colours as well as gemstones so it makes absolute sense for people to choose a gemstone which will help balance their Chakra and wearing it in jewellery makes it practical being something that can be near at all times or worn when one feels the need. There are many thoughts about what imbalance crystal or gemstone is suitable for  but often it is better to use instinct in choosing. The views change from time to time but the colours of the Chakras remain cons...